Monday, June 18, 2018


The preparatory activities to be taken up by the DDO are:
1. Identify and furnish information to your Treasury Officer, to register Maker, Checker, Approver and Messenger

DDO and his staff who perform various financial transactions related activities pertaining to preparation of bills, receipts, deposits, reports etc. need to be registered as user of Khajane 2. Each registered user is assigned a role based on his post.

All the activities in K 2 flow through a hierarchical pattern of three levels – Maker (Creator–usually the case worker), Checker (Scrutinizer – usually the Superintendent) and Approver (DDO). The staff who assist the DDO in various activities are known as supporting staff. The supporting staff are Maker, Checker and two Messengers.

a. Users should primarily register themselves against their original posts where they hold their lien. This is primary registration of an employee.
b. The DDO has to identify employees in his office to perform these roles.
a. In case DDO office does not have so many employees to designate as maker and checker – i.e., offices having only one employee, then the roles will be mapped to the DDO only.
c. Treasury (Local Treasury) will issue a Field Office-Post Role mapping data sheet to the DDO in its jurisdiction to collect the details of the users.
d. DDO has to identify the users and provide the details for Field Office-Post Role mapping.
e. DDO will provide personal information of each user in Form R1 and Form R2 with his/her photograph.

2. Registration on K 2

The registration of K 2 users is done by the Treasury Officer at District Treasury/Sub Treasury. The DDO, his supporting staff and the messengers are required to be physically present at the treasury for registration process. DDO has to submit the Field Office – Post Role mapping data sheet, R1 and R2 forms of the DDO and supporting staff to the Treasury officer.

a. ON receipt of complete information in Form R1 and R2, Treasury officer will register the users on Khajane 2.
b. Treasury officer will fetch the employee and post details from HRMS for registration.
c. He will also capture the details as furnished in R1 and R2 format and approve the details in K II.
d. On successful registration of an employee, user id and the default password will be provided to the employee.
e. The User ID and the Password will be sent to the mobile number and email id provided by the users.
i. The User id and Password on Khajane 2 are specific to the employee/user. Please do not give it to anybody or share it with anybody. The user id allotted on registration to Khajane 2 to any user will be unique and will remain the same irrespective of any postings/transfers.
ii. Hence you are requested to provide your personal mobile number and email id for sending the user id and password details. These details will not be sent through any other means. Even Treasury Officer will not have access to these details.
f. Once the registered user receives his user id and password, he has to login to Khajane 2 at change the password.
i. Users are advised to have a strong password, comprising alphabets, numbers and special characters (Eg. @, #, *, $ etc.).
g. Khajane 2 registration can be done only for Government Employees. Contract employees, outsourced personnel etc. cannot be registered as users on Khajane 2.

h. You should register on Khajane 2 only in your Primary place of posting, in the concerned Treasury.
i. In case of any additional charge of any other post, the user has to first register in his primary post and then provide the details of the secondary post (ie., additional charge) along with the relevant GO/Orders placing him in charge to the concerned Treasury Officer for mapping the role.

(To be furnished to Treasury Officer for Registration of Government Servant in Khajane 2)

New OR Change Request (Please tick as appropriate)
In case of change request please tick the box in the left margin where change / correction is required and provide details in the corresponding row.

Treasury Department
Certification Form

D. D. O
Case Worker

1. Name of Government

Please Affix Passport Size Photograph
Servant (in capital letters): Sri/Ms/Dr

2. Identity Details of Government Servant
2(a) Gender: M / F
2(b) KGID Number:
2(c) Aadhaar Number (12 digits):
3. Department:
4. Cadre:
5. Present Post held (Attach copy of Posting Order or Form R-2):
6. Field Office Name:
7. Field Office address:

8. Mobile Number (10 digits):

9. Email ID:
10. Date of Joining into Government Service
11. Specimen Signatures:

Specimen Signature 1
Specimen Signature 2
Specimen Signature 3

Declaration: I hereby declare that the particulars furnished above are true and correct and I undertake to inform you of any changes therein immediately. In case any information is found to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, I am aware that I may be held liable for it.
Date: ____/_____/________ Signature of the Government Servant
For The Use of Drawing & Disbursing Officer Only

Declaration: I have verified the above information to be correct.

Name of Drawing Officer:
Date: _____/____/________ Signature

Form - R 2
(To be furnished (in original) to Treasury Officer for registration in Khajane 2 in case the government servant in unable to provide copy of Government Order for posting in the present post

Department of Treasuries

Certificate of Posting

This is to certify that Sri/Smt/Dr(full name in capital letters) is presently workingas(name of post in capital letters)in the office of(name of field office in capital letters) from _____/_____/__________ (date of joining in the present post) vide G.O. No _________________________________________________________________ (Government Order No. for posting the government servant to the present post).
Signature (with date) of the Reporting Officer
Office Seal Name:



Office of the




Seal & Signature of the Officer


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