Sunday, June 17, 2018

The Karnataka Travelling Allowance Rules, 1957

The Karnataka Travelling Allowance Rules, 1957 Regulating the payment of Travelling Allowance to Non-official Members of Committees, etc., constitiuted under the Authority of Government.
No.Cod 1168 - 57, dated 23rd August 1957
The Government of Karnataka hereby makes the following rules, in supersession of the existing rules on the subject regulating the payment of travelling allowance to non-official members of councils, committees, conferences and other bodies constituted under the authority of Government namely :
These rules shall come into force with effect from the 1st day of September 1957.
These rules shall apply to all claims in respect of journeys and halts made on and from the date of commencement of these rules.
The rules regulating the payment of travelling allowance in force immediately before the date of commencement of these rules applicable to persons governed by these rules are repealed except in so far as they are applicable to payment of travelling allowances in respect of journey and halts made before the date of commencement of these rules.
The Travelling allowance of Non-official Members (including Members of the State Legislature and retired officers of Government). When these persons (a) are Members of Committees, Conferences or other bodies constituted by the State Government or (b) are deputed by the Government to place either in or outside the State or India to attend Committee, Conferences or other bodies constituted by an authority other than the State Government or (c) are deputed by the Government on special work in connection with the affairs of the State is regulated as follows :
1[A. RAILWAY FARE : Between places connected by railway he shall be eligible to draw first class railway fare or railway fare actually paid, by the shortest route, whichever is less, including reservation charges but not agency charges paid to a travel agency.
Amended by Go.No.FD 2 SRA 99 dated 22-4-1999 (w.e.f. 1-4-1999)
Between places not connected by railway, he shall be eligible to draw bus fare by the shortest route, including reservation charges but not agency charges paid to a travel Agency.
Between places partly connected by railway and partly by road, he may travel by bus by shortest route and claim bus fare including reservation charges but not agency charges paid to a travel agency.
He shall be eligible to draw mileage allowance form residence to railway station or bus station and vice versa and from railway station or bus station to the places of meeting and vice versa, at the following rates:
When journey is performed by
Motor Cycle/Scooter/Tonga/ Full Taxi/Own car Auto Rickshaw Cycle Rickshaw/Man-driven Rickshaw Rs. 1.00 per K.M. Rs. 3.00 per K.M. Rs. 3.00 per
subject to minimum of Rs. 4.60
Where a member attends a meeting of the Committee at the place at which he is normally residing, no mileage allowance shall be payable.
He shall be eligible to draw sitting fees per day of sitting, at the following rates :
within the State.
Place of sitting Bangalore Other cities with Municipal other places Corporation Rs.150/-Rs.125/-Rs.100/
outside the State:Place of Sitting
Ahmedabad, Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi, Gazibad, Hyderabad, Madras, Simla, Srinagar, Mussorie, Kanpur, Lucknow, Nagpur, Poona, Goa, Diu and Daman.
other places
Rs. 180/­
Rs. 150/­
Further the non-official members of the Committees etc., constituted by Government may, at their option, be allowed to drawDaily Allowance at the rates applicable to the Government Servantsbelonging to category - I in lieu of the sitting fee. The payment ofDaily Allowance shall be calculated in accordance with the provisionsof Rule 514 of the Karnataka civil Services Rules as modified from time to time.]
Air Journeys :
Journeys by air require the specific sanction of Governmentwhich will be accorded only in cases of extreme emergencynecessitating a journey.
1[(a) xxx]
Return tickets at redeuced rates, if available should bepurchased when the return journey is expected to be performedwithin the period during which the return ticket is valid. Mileageallowance for the forward and return journeys when such returntickets are available will, however, be the actual cost of such return ticket plus two-fifth of the standard air fare for a single journeybetween two places.
Road mileage at the rates specified above from the pointon which the journey is held to commence to the booking offices ofthe Air Transport Companies.
N.B.- The point in any station from which a journey is to beheld to commence or as which it is to be held to end, shall be the Chief Public Office or any other point which may be fixed byGovernment for the said purpose. In Bangalore and Mysore Citiesthe Public Offices and in other places, Travellers Bungalow or Inspection Lodge from which distances are reckoned in the roadmap issued by the Karnataka Public Works Department, will beregarded as the point fixed by Government for the purpose of the above rule.
Amended by Go.No.FD 2 SRA 99 dated 22-4-1999 (w.e.f. 1-4-1999)
Explanatory Note.- Travel by air means journeys performed in the machines of Public Air Transport Companies regularly plyingfor hire. It does not include journeys performed in private Aeroplane or Air Taxis.
Insurance for air travel will be met by Governmentsubject to the amount of premium being restricted to Rs.10 per trip.
Note.- Claims for insurance premium for air journeys shouldinvariably be supported by the receipts on policies issued by the insurance companies.
Outside India,- At such rates as may be prescribed byGovernment from time to time in individual cases.
Government may, in special circumstances grant specificrates of conveyance allowance or actual charges incurred on hire of conveyance or other incidental charges in addition to the travellingallowance.
Payment of lumpsum advance to cover travellingexpenses may be authorised by Government subject to adjustmentfrom the final travelling allowance bills. The advances should not ordinarily exceed three-fourths of the amount of allowanceadmissible. This limit may, in special cases be enhanced under specific orders of Government.
1[Note:- A Government officer (who may be a Member orSecretary of the Committee or other officer of the Government) will be responsible for the drawal disbursement and final adjustment ofthe advances paid to the non-official members of the Committees. Before allowing such advances, a written undertaking from eachnon-official should be obtained in the following Form. A second advance should not be allowed until the first advance is adjusted.
I...............................member of the Committee/Commission appointed by the Government of Karnataka having received a sumof Rs......(Rupees in words) as advance from the Government of Karnataka for performing certain journeys connected with my dutiesas member of the above said Committee/Commission hereby agreethat the amount shall be adjusted against my travelling allowance bill immediately after the completion of specified journeysand that I shall forthwith refund to the Government of Karnataka any portion of the advance not so adjusted. If for any reason, the specified journeys are not performed
Inserted by No.FD 62 SRS 58 dated 25-4-1958 (w.e.f.25-4-1958)
I hereby agree to refund forthwith to the Government of Karnatakathe entire sum of the advance on demand.
Revenue Stamp.Signature of Member.]
1[Subject to such modifications as are specified above, the rules regulating the payment of Travelling allowance to officersof Government shall be the rules applicable to the payment of Travelling Allowance to non-officials also, except where therequirement of a specific rule is dispensed with by a special orderof Government.] Sitting Fee, Daily Allowance or Halting Allowance whatever term is allowed in the Government Order constituting theCommittee is admissible on the days of meeting in addition to Travelling Allowance admissible for the journeys [irrespective ofthe time of arrival or departure at the place of meeting.]
3[Note.- 2. The amendment made to this rule in theGovernment Order dated 3rd January 1961, shall have effect from 1st October, 1958.]
4[Exception.- Notwithstanding the provisions of this rule, the non-official members of the Hydro-Electric Construction ProjectsBoard and the Standing Technical Advisory Committee shall beallowed sitting fees in addition to daily allowance whenever the meetings of the board or the standing Technical advisory Committeemeetings are held outside Bangalore.]
The Government Order constituting the Committee willindicate the list (A,B or C) under which the Committee has been classified and sitting fee (with rate) if any, which has to be allowedin lieu of daily allowance.
Government may sanction special rates in individual cases, if the circumstances justify.
Road Mileage :- When a non-official member makes a journey by bus for 2[thirty-two kilometers] or more, he will be allowed1 1/2 bus fare plus Daily Allowance (limited to road mileage.)
When a non-official member makes a journey by bus for less than 2[thirty two kilometres] he will be allowed 1 1/2 bus fare (limited to road mileage.)
Substituted by No.FD 126 SRS 60 dated 3-1-1961 (w.e.f.2.1.1961)
Amended by No.FD 10 SRS 71 dated 15-7-1971
Inserted by No.FD 172 SRS 61 dated 4-1-1962
Inserted by No.FD 167 SRS 60 dated 26-10-1960 (w.e.f. 5.1.1960)
1.- A non-official member (including a retired officer) of the Committees who is entitled to Railway fare higher than the thirdclass, will record in his Traveling Allowance bill, a certificate of havingtravelled in the class for which Railway fare is claimed therein.
Otherwise, the officer will be paid only Railway fare basedon the fare of the class in which he actually travelled.
Note 2.- Attendance of Standing Committees, Sub-Committees, Select Committees, Special Committees, etc., of theseveral Bodies will be treated as meeting of the Bodies themselvesfor the purpose of these rules.
Note 3.- Non-official members will be entitled to draw travelling allowance calculated from and to their ordinary places ofresidence and from the place of meeting. 1[Daily Allowance for haltsby members to attend an adjourned Meeting or another Meeting atthe same place may be allowed subject to the followingconditions
The total daily allowance for such halts is limited to theamount of Travelling Allowance admissible for returning to his placeof residence and coming back to attend an adjourned meeting oranother meeting.
Travelling Allowance for the to and fro journey is allowedonly once counting the two meetings as one for the purpose; and
The Daily Allowance is debited to the head of accountpertaining to the first Meeting.]
Note 4.- When a Sunday or other holiday intervenesbetween two consecutive sittings, halting allowance for such dayswill be allowed; provided the Member stays at the place of meetingon the Sunday or Holiday intervening two meetings.
Members of the State Legislature will not be entitled todraw travelling or daily allowance for attending meetings ofCommittees constituted by Government (viz., Committees otherthan those of the Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council orany committee of the said Assembly or Council under section12 of the Karnataka Legislature Act, 1966) for the dayson which they draw travelling allowance or daily allowance forattending the meetings of the Legislative Assembly or LegislativeCouncil or of any Committee of any said Assembly or Council.
Subject to the above condition, a mofussil member of the Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council is entitled to draw
Inserted by No.FD 101 SRS 68 dated 9-3-1969
daily allowance during a period of three days or less before the commencement of a meeting of Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council or any Committee thereof or at the conclusion of the meeting, in case he is required to attend the meetings of other Committeesduring that period. If however, any member of the Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council returns to his ordinary place of residence, he will be entitled to draw travelling allowance only for the journey, provided the amount of travelling allowance drawn by him in no case exceeds the amount of daily allowance at the rate prescribed for Committees constituted by Government which wouldhave been admissible to him had he elected to stay at the place where the meeting of Committees other than the Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council or any Committee thereof takes place.
1[Where however such member returns to his ordinary place of residence within three days of conclusion of the meeting of theLegislature or a Committee thereof, not being aware of the meeting of a Committee constituted by the Government he will be entitled to draw normal travelling allowance without such allowances being so restricted.]
Rules of Procedure for preferring Travelling Allowance Claimsof Non-Official Members of Conferences and Committees.
2[(i) The Existing procedure for disbursing in cash travelling allowance to Members of the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council at the close of each Session and for payment of Travelling Allowance by the University in regard to the attendance at meetings connected with that body will continue unchanged. The
bills of Members of the Legislative Assembly and the LegislativeCouncil serving as members of the Committees constituted by Government will be 3[countersigned] by the Secretary of the committee concerned and forwarded to the Secretary, Karnataka Legislature who will scrutinise them with reference to payments made by him and pass on the bill to the Treasury for payment with intimation to the Secretary of the Committee concerned.
In respect of meetings of bodies other than those referred to in clause (i) above the Secretaries of the Conference and Committees shall obtain, in addition to the other certificates contemplated in Part VIII of the Karnataka Civil Services Rules, the following certificate from the members:
Inserted by No.FD 33 SRS 81 dated 31-12-1981 (w.e.f.7.1.1982)
Substituted by No.FD 186 SRS 59 dated 22-3-1960 (w.e.f. 1.4.1960)
Amended by No.FD 165 SRS 60 dated 26-12-1960 (w.e.f. 12.1.1961)
“Certified that I............member ...........Committee actually performed the journeys for which travelling allowance is claimed and I have not drawn in any other capacity travelling allowance for the same journey or daily allowance or sitting fee for the same day”.
In addition to the above certificate which must be recorded by the members in their Travelling Allowance Bills, they should also furnish, in the following declaration form, particulars of the dates and time of their arrival and departure, mode of conveyance used for the journeys and other meetings, if any, attended by them at the place of meeting on the same day/days or within a period of three days prior to and after the meeting:
Name of the member
Place of Permanent residence
Date and time of arrival at the place of meeting
Particulars of journey performed:
Whether entire journey was by road;
Mode of conveyance used for the road journey;
If by rail, class in which travelled;
The number of days on which the Member has attended the Committee Meeting.
Date and time of departure from the place of Meeting.
Name of the other meeting, if any, attended on the same day/days or within a period of three days prior to and after the day/ days noted against Serial No.5 above.
Name of Treasury at which payment is desired. I undertake to refund any amount in respect of T.A. and
for this meeting which is not admissible as per rules deducted in audit
Date .. .. .. .... Signature....... Member Committee for.
A certificate of attendance in the following form shall be recorded on the Travelling Allowance Bills of the members by the Secretary of the Committee:
“Certified that Shri/Smt......................................... attended the sittings of the ............................................................ constituted in Government Order No...................................................... date..........on a member thereof”
1[(iv) The T.A. bill prepared and signed by each member with the requisite certificates, will be sent to the Secretary of the Committee who, after scrutiny of the claims preferred in the bill with reference to rules, will forward the bill with his countersignature to the Secretary, Karnataka Legislature in the case of claims of Members of the Legislature and to the Treasury Officers in the case of others.]
A copy of the intimation slip will be sent to the Secretary of the Committee by the Secretary, Karnataka Legislature, for noting down the particulars of the passed bill and onward transmission to the member, and another copy with the Travelling Allowance bill will be forwarded to the Treasury Officer for making payment direct to the member. In the case of members other than members of Legislature, the Secretary of the Committee will intimate the member concerned the fact of having forwarded the bill to the Treasury Officer for payment.
Objections raised in audit will be communicated by the Accountant General Karnataka, to the Secretary of the Committee for furnishing necessary information.
The countersignature of the Secretaries is only to ensure that the bills have been prepared correctly with reference to the prescribed rules and rates of mileage, daily allowance and train fare and provision for expenditure made by Government for a particular Committee.
In certain cases, even though a non-official member proceeds to the place of meeting but is prevented from attending the meeting, consequent on its postponement for want of quorum.
and D.A. admissible under the rules may be allowed to him. In such cases, the following certificate should be recorded on the bill by the Secretary:
Substituted by No.FD 165 SRS 60 dated 26-12-1960
“Certified that Sri/Smt......................................................... attended the place of meeting of........................................... Committee the meeting did not take place on the date for want of quorum.”
The claims in respect of period (i) over six months require the sanction of the Head of the Department condoning the delay in preferring them, and (ii) 1[over three years] that of the Government of Karnataka. These claims require the pre-audit by the Accountant General, Karnataka, vide Article 21 of the Karnataka Financial Code.
2[Note 1.- In cases of Committees or Conferences to which Government have not appointed Secretaries, the power of countersigning the T.A. bills of the non-official members shall be exercised by the Government servant authorised by Government in this behalf.
3[Note 2.- When a non-official member of Legislature appointed to a Committee, Commission or Board of Enquiry, is allowed free board and lodging at the expense of State Government or an autonomous industrial or Commercial undertaking or Corporation, or a Statutory body or local authority, in which Government funds have been invested or in which Government have any other interest shall be entitled to only one-fourth of the daily allowance admissible to him under the aforesaid Notification. If only board or lodging is allowed free, daily allowance shall be admissible at one-half of the admissible rate.]
Substituted by No.FD 31 SRS 67 dated 21-2-1967
Inserted by No.FD 175 SRS 60 dated 26-10-1960
Inserted by No.FD 17 SRS 66 dated 25-1-1966
Amended by No.FD 2 SRA 99 dated 22-4-1999 (w.e.f. 1.4.1999)

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